How to cancel flight ticket with Delta Airlines?

How can I cancel a flight ticket in Delta Airlines?

Delta is the airlines major of the US that currently dispenses its air travel service at numerous locations of the world from the very beginning of its operations in the early 90's to both national and international destinations.
Due to this, many people make a reservation in this airlines but some of them cancel their booking thus Delta has a designated cancellation process.

How to cancel a ticket in Delta Airlines?

A user can revoke an air ticket by following this process.
  1. Visit the official website of Delta Airlines with the help of any web-browser.
  2. Navigate to the Manage My Trips section.
  3. Enter the Confirmation/Debit/Credit number, First name and Last name of the user.
  4. Select the flight booking which you want to cancel.
  5. Start the flight cancellation process and cancel your trip.
The user can also cancel the booking made with this airline with this method.
  1. Visit the website of Delta Airlines.
  2. Click on the Login button located on the top-right corner of the screen.
  3. Enter the Sky Miles Number/Username and Password.
  4. Select the trip which you want to cancel.
  5. Complete the cancellation process and save the changes.

What is the cancellation process through the app?

If the user wants to cancel the booking on the mobile app then he can use these steps.
 Launch the Fly Delta app.Tap on three lines and go to the menu section.
Enter the confirmation number, First & Last name of the passenger.
Follow the on-screen instructions.

By following the above methods the user can cancel the booking made with any type of the ticket (refundable or non-refundable).

If the user is unable to cancel the booking with Delta then he can establish contact with the customer support of the airlines to get the required information about the Delta Airlines Cancellation Policy and the cancellation process. For more call us: +1-803-373-8382

1 comment:

  1. thanks for information.

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